
All of my animation work thus far was created for MEJO 589: Motion Graphics, a class as part of my major within the Hussman School of Journalism and Media. Assets were created using Adobe Illustrator and made to move using After Effects. I had never worked with After Effects prior to the class and enjoyed learning how to use this new tool.

Although short, this may be my favorite animation created for the class concept-wise. I loved designing the scene with bright colors and experimenting with parenting, squash and stretch and puppeting.

This final project was designed to showcase the skills I learned throughout the duration of the course. I experimented with music, sound and different visual effects to bring the story of this rocket and astronaut to life.

For this project, students were tasked with recreating the title sequence of a movie. My partner and I chose to recreate the title sequence of "Elf" using a flat paper-cut style.


These video projects were completed for the MEJO 121: Intro to Digital Storytelling course. All video was taken on a cell phone, and audio was recorded through an external microphone. The videos were edited using Premier Pro. Although I don’t plan to focus on video in future careers, I think having this prior experience was helpful in thinking about what visuals can accompany different stories.

For my final video project in the course, I highlighted Student-Made UNC, an entrepreneurship organization of which I am a part that provides the opportunity for students to start art-related businesses while in college.

For my first-ever video project, I profiled UNC-CH student Camden West and her work as a hobbyist painter. I would change many things about this project but have included it here to show how much I grew between my first and second projects.